作者: 保罗麦克尤恩

Revolutionizing 401(k) Plans: The Group Solution You Didn’t Know You Needed
The retirement plan outlook is evolving, and innovative solutions are emerging that could transform how businesses approach retirement benefits.

Introducing a Brighter Way 401(k) Group Plan Solution
Join us for an informative webinar that will introduce you to A Brighter Way 401(k) Group Plan Solution. Our experienced panel will delve into the benefits of this innovative platform for plan sponsors and discuss how it can enhance efficiency for your practice. Learn about the roles and responsibilities of providers involved and discover where this solution fits within the small plan market.

Simplifying Retirement Savings for Your Employees: Roth vs. Traditional 401(k) Plans Explained
作为雇主, you recognize that choosing a retirement plan for your employees is a pivotal step in securing their financial well-being. One of the key decisions they'll face on this journey is choosing between a Roth and a traditional pretax 401(k). We understand that making this choice can be challenging, so we’re breaking it down for you to equip your employees to make decisions that impact their unique circumstances.

IRS Glitch Blamed for Erroneous Late Filing Notices Related to Retirement Plan Filings
An issue has been identified with IRS reporting related to Form 8955-SSA that may impact some of our clients, and we want to ensure that you are informed and well prepared to address any concerns that may arise.

Learn About the New Retirement Plan Tax Credits Available
During this presentation, 保罗·麦克尤恩注册会计师, principal with 意图’s retirement plan services team, will walk through the tax credits available for new retirement plans—particularly who is eligible and how much is available.

Benefit 的见解 通讯 | Spring 2023
Learn about the importance of education Plan Participants, because the more they know, the better.

安全2.0 – What You Need To Know
保罗麦克尤恩, principal with 意图’s retirement plan services team, who reviewed the new rules that impact you the most from the passage of the 安全2.0 Act of 2022, which was signed into law on December 29, 2022. Although some of the 安全2.0 changes are optional and not effective yet, you need to start … 继续

Is Your Retirement Plan Growing with Your Business?
Sponsoring and maintaining a retirement plan for a small business can seem daunting.

‘Group of Plan’ Arrangements Offer Cost Savings for 401(k) Sponsors
sponsors are familiar with solutions like multiple employer plans (MEPs) and pooled employer plans (PEPs). But one of the least well-known plans may be the most effective solution for plan sponsors who are looking to cut costs and maintain local service and plan design flexibility – the “group of plans” arrangement.

Late Notice From The IRS Or DOL? 意图d Before You Act
f you get a late notice from the IRS related to your Form 5500, but you filed on time, don’t panic. Simply let us know and we’ll advise you of next steps to clear things up with the IRS.

Your Solo 401(k) Plan May Be On The IRS’ 审计 List
If your solo 401(k) plan was audited tomorrow, would you come out the other side with flying colors or penalties?

Evaluation of HSAs Requires a Team Approach
Want to know how a health savings account can save your hard earned money? 继续读下去 ...

The Best Tax Deferral Opportunity Is A Retirement Plan
A great plan design will deliver a big punch.

What’s Going On With Retirement Plan Legislation?
The SECURE Act and the RESA bill are currently in Congress. Both pieces of legislation are geared toward helping employees be prepared for retirement. 继续读下去 to learn more about the pending legislature.

Proposed MEP Legislation Would Undermine Fiduciary Protections
ERISA ensures that benefits in employer-sponsored retirement plans are protected from bad actors – but proposed legislation would reduce those protections.